Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Shawn taught me what love is and here's how. By loving him and feeling how he loves me. Love is not always getting along, but after the argument making sure that I'm sorry is said and meant. Love is going out to the couch and Love is making someone's birthday special even if they don't ask you to. Love is getting up out of a dead sleep at 2 am for a Taco Bell run for your spouse. Love is sitting next to your spouse in detox/rehab missing them but telling them all the great things in your day and asking about their day. Love is taking all your step kids to the store for school clothes without their mom even knowing until afterward. Love is carrying your step daughter all the way to Betos to get her food because you can't drive. Love is bringing your spouse dinner at 2 am when they work the midnight shift. Love is waking up finding your love in tears and listening to their horrible nightmares, knowing that you can't take them away or make them better. Love is watching netflix and cuddling before bed. Love is letting your step son talk all night long and hang out with you even when you have to get up early for work the next morning. Love is driving 700 miles one way to meet your step daughter. Love is letting go of your dream so your spouse can chase hers. Love is understanding. Love is kissing your husband good bye for the last time, knowing you will never see them again in this life time, wondering when you will see them again. Love is in the tears shed on birthdays, anniversaries and wedding days. Love is feeling the soft touch of your spouse making sure you are still there in the early morning when you are still kind of asleep. Love is realizing that your spouse loves you even though he can't hold you. Love is having the faith to say "yes" when common sense says "no." These things and many more make up love. I am so grateful for the many lessons Shawn continues to teach me everyday.