Thursday, August 27, 2015

Serenity given

Today was a good day with many accomplishments, but with that, many more things to do.  I am so grateful to my brother in law David for coming with me to an important appointment with my bankruptcy attorney.  I feel we made the best choice possible.  Now, I have completed one of the "assignments" I got from the attorney and just have one left.  I took the girls to the dentist and Katelyn has cavities so, I had to make another appointment with then dentist.  I had a prep class at Fortis College and now I have "homework." I have to get some things squared away in the way of paperwork and studying for the Hesi entrance exam.  I passed my written exam for my CNA license and now, I have to wait to hear back about my skills test.  I talked to the Medical Examiner to finalize Shawn's death certificate and he wasn't in the office so I have to wait to hear back.  I called about possible government help with school and found out that I have to go to another appointment with a specialist.  I got Serenity's birth certificate so I can apply for WIC, yet another appointment.  In my "spare time," I am seeing a grief counselor, getting back into the church, being a mom.  And, I'm still waiting patiently for his headstone that will look so awesome when it finally comes.  I think we have a few more weeks until it comes.  I never thought that I would be so busy in conjunction with Shawn's death.  I'll be glad when things become a little more solidified and not so much stuff in the air.  I thank all those unnamed people that support me daily, texting, messaging, praying for me, helping with the kids when needed.  We'll see how the next couple weeks go.  At the end of it all, I have a great sense of peace, my serenity, that all will be well in the long run.  I just can't give up.  I must endure.

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