Friday, September 25, 2015

2 months gone

Ok. So first of all, I made it to the two month anniversary of Shawn's death. I cried, went to orientation at Fortis, visited the grave and talked to the love of my life about our future, went to a grief support group, and spent time with Serenity; who decided to roll over for the first time on a very special day. As I watched her roll over today, I felt that it wasn't just me cheering her on, but her Dad too. I look at all that has been accomplished in the last month and frankly I'm amazed. Thank you to all of the supporters, all the people praying for us and all the miscellaneous help rendered. I am so grateful. I'm excited about the prospect of a stable future and a reasonably happy life. I feel I'll never be totally happy until I join my husband in the next life, but I am definitely going to make the best of it. Life is good today.

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