Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Bittersweet Day

Today was a day of great news.  First, I went to the WIC appointment and found that me and Serenity do indeed qualify for WIC assistance.  Then I took the HESI test and passed with flying colors and I got accepted into Fortis College, pending my background check (no problems there) and my drug test ( again, no problems with that.) Then I found out that what I thought was a horrible transmission problem with the Tahoe turned out being something silly.  Then Scott gave permission for the older kids to go to GOP with their grandparents and cousins.  I am so glad they get to go this year.  Serenity is still growing like a weed, I'm starting to lose weight finally! Things are looking good.  The bittersweet part is that Shawn isn't here in his mortal body to hug me and tell me how proud he is of me.  I sense that he's there and that he is cheering me on.  I can just hear his voice saying, "You don't need validation from me.  That's something I learned in rehab.  You validate yourself."  And he's right.  But still, a hug and a high five would be awesome.  Man, I miss Shawn.  Funny since yesterday I was boiling mad at him.  Ah well, each day is an interesting door to be opened into the future.  It will be interesting to see what tomorrow holds.

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