Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Soul mates or at least what I think about them

A soul mate is someone that you can stay up all night talking to and not get bored. A soul mate is someone that you are drawn to because you feel you knew them in some other life or time. A soul mate is someone that loves you in spite of all the crap you bring into the relationship. A soul mate sits through chick flicks with you, just to spend time with you. A soul mate cares for you throughout all time and eternity even when the going gets tough. A soul mate is a best friend. A soul mate is someone that, when they die, they can never be replaced because you will never love someone that deeply.

Kinda sappy but Shawn is my soul mate. He completes me. We are a good team. Maybe not always perfect, but we were on the right path. I miss him.

Still experiencing deja vu, which used to be our way of knowing we were on the path that God wants us to be on. When Shawn died, I asked God to continue to let me have those tiny deja vu experiences so I'd know if I was still on the right road for me and the kids. I'll write another post about deja vu at another time.

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